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loopy_pro_midi_map_auv3_parameters [2022/06/30 06:54] – add video espiegel123loopy_pro_midi_map_auv3_parameters [2025/01/23 05:39] (current) – removed espiegel123
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-====== Loopy Pro: MIDI Map AUv3 Parameters ====== 
-When Loopy Pro was initially released, only AUv3 effect parameters were mappable. All AUv3 can now have their parameters mapped. 
-There are a couple of main ways to MIDI Map Audio Unit Effect parameters: 
-  * Adding bindings to MIDI Control that map MIDI events (like CCs or notes) to AUv3 parameers 
-  * Using MIDI Learn to map the AUv3 parameters 
-You can also control AUv3 parameters with Loopy Pro's widgets: sliders, buttons and XY Pads. 
-**To use the MIDI Learn system**, turn on MIDI Learn. Tap on the AU's icon in the mixer (or tap on its icon from the main view if it is visible). A window pops up that lets you select learnable actions: Enable/Disable Effect, Open Effect Interface, **Adjust Effect Parameter**, Select Effect Preset. Choose **Adjust Effect Preset** and then pick the parameter to map and either send the MIDI event to learn or manually assign the event that you want to use. 
-**To use the MIDI Control system**, choose MIDI Control from Loopy's main menu and Add a New Binding. A binding is a mapping of a MIDI event (such as note, CC or program change) to actions. The Loopy Pro actions that control AUv3 parameters are: 
-  * AUv3 Effects: Effect Actions-> Adjust Effect Parameter 
-  * AUv3 Instruments:  Audio Source Actions -> Adjust Audio Unit Parameter 
-  * AUv3 MIDI FX: MIDI Source Actions -> Adjust MIDI Unit Parameter 
-This video demonstrates how to add a binding for an AUv3 Effect parameter using MIDI Control: 
-==== Using Widgets ==== 
-You can also use widgets to control the parameters of your AUv3s 
-  * Add a widget to your layout 
-  * Tap on the pencil icon to edit the widget 
-  * Tap on a + sign for the event that you want to add the action to 
-  * Add the action from the Effect Actions list 
-===== History and Updates ===== 
-Updated: June 2022 to include features added after the 1.0: release. These features include support for MIDI Fx AU, AUv3 instruments, and MIDI Learn of AU parameters. 
-{{tag>loopy_pro needs_update}} 
  • loopy_pro_midi_map_auv3_parameters.1656536042.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/06/30 06:54
  • by espiegel123