====== Add App to ABWIKI ====== Fill in this form to add an app or plugin to the Audiobus Wiki. **Please** do a wiki search using the search box to make sure that there is not already a page about the app. **Hint**: much of the info for this form can be found on the [[https://audiob.us/apps/|AudioBus Compatible Apps page]] After you've submitted the form, you will be able to visit the page and add additional details if you would like. ===== App Submission Form =====
Action template wiki:tpl:addapptpl ":@@App or Plugin Name@@" Thanks "Thank you for helping make ABWiki great!" Fieldset "Add App Listing to ABWiki" TextBox "App or Plugin Name" select "Is this an app, plugin or both?" "App|AUv3|App and AUv3" fieldset "Give us a one or two sentence description of the app" Textarea "App short description:" x4 Fieldset "Information about the App Developer (optional)" TextBox "App store link URL (optional)" ! TextBox "Developer Name (optional)" ! TextBox "Developer Website (optional)" ! /^(ht|f)tp(s?)\:\/\/[0-9a-zA-Z]([-.\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*(:(0-9)*)*(\/?)([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\?\,\'\/\\\+&%\$#_]*)?$/ TextBox "Developer's AB Forum handle (optional)" ! Fieldset "More information (optional)" textarea "Add any additional text, links or details that you would like added to the page:" ! submit "Add to wiki"