====== Jamm Pro ====== App Store description: "Jamm Pro is the anticipated evolution of Ninja Jamm, the original touch controlled beat app. Easy to use but deep, Jamm Pro includes Ninja Jamm users most requested feature: the ability to load your own samples. As well as immense performance power, it’s packed with pro features and new ideas e.g. its modular synth-like patching capabilities." **App type**: App **App store link**: [[https://apps.apple.com/app/id1148499320|{{:appstoreblue.png?30|}}]] **Developer**: [[https://jammpro.net|Ninja Tune]] **Developer AB Forum Handle**: ===== Videos and Tutorials ===== ==== Tutorials ==== The developer has a YouTube channel with a number **[[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDgP_tmAW9u6w56GgONS0Xo6NiCDtlJV3|excellent tutorials]]**. ==== More Videos ==== Jamm Pro - Matt Black live {{youtube>Ttl2kppImCA}} Nu-Trix Review {{youtube>CsKO2KPyj7E}} RedSkyLully Tutorial - see description on YouTube for free Jamm-pak code {{youtube>M6p-LcSWTMU}} == Tags == {{tag>stub unreviewed}}