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Mozaic: CC-Switch


by mbncp ( Link to thread )

// CC-Switch  (Mozaic v1.03)

// Allows the use of a Controller to act like a switch 
// Usefull with controllers that return to their initial position once you release them
// The state is stored for each midi channel
// Off course you can also use the pads 

  // Adjust to your needs
  TrigCC = 64         // Incoming CC to make it act like a switch
  OutCC = 64          // CC to send on switch change
  CCVal = [0,127]     // CC value on switch OFF, ON
  CCValRange = 15       // CC input value tolerance, for a knob use 64
  FillArray TrigState, 0,16 // keep state of all channels
  FillArray TrigReset, 1,16
  SetShortName {Switch}
  LabelPads {CC }, OutCC, { State for Chn 1-16}  
  ShowLayout 2
  for n = 0 to 15
    LabelPad n, n+1  
  Call @UpdateGUI

  If MIDICommand = 0xB0 And MIDIByte2 = TrigCC
    If MidiByte3 > (127 - CCValRange) And TrigReset[MIDIChannel]
      TrigState[MIDIChannel] = not TrigState[MIDIChannel]
      SendMIDICC MIDIChannel, OutCC, CCVal[TrigState[MIDIChannel]]
      TrigReset[MIDIChannel] = 0
      Call @UpdateGUI
    ElseIf MidiByte3 < CCValRange
      TrigReset[MIDIChannel] = 1

  TrigState[LastPad] = not TrigState[LastPad]
  SendMIDICC LastPad, OutCC, CCVal[TrigState[LastPad]]
  TrigReset[LastPad] = 1
  Call @UpdateGUI

  for n = 0 to 15
     LatchPad n, TrigState[n]


Per pad

all defined directly in the script code

// CC-Switch  (Mozaic v1.03) mod by -ki
// main functionality by mbncp @ audiobus forum

// Allows the use of a Controller to act like a switch 
// Usefull with controllers that return to their initial position once you release them
// The state is stored for each midi channel
// Off course you can also use the pads 

  // Adjust to your needs
  TrigCC = 64         // Incoming CC to make it act like a switch
  CCValRange = 15       // CC input value tolerance, for a knob use 64

  //              A list of off/on CC values send, two numbers per pad
  CCVal[ 0] = [0,127,  0,127,   0,127,  0,127] // CC Values for pads 0.. 3
  CCVal[ 8] = [0,127,  0,127,   0,127,  0,127] //               pads 4.. 7
  CCVal[16] = [0,127,  0,127,   0,127,  0,127] //               pad  8..11
  CCVal[24] = [0,127,  0,127,   0,127,  0,127] //               pad 12..15

  OutCC[0] = [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17] // CCs for upper row
  OutCC[8] = [40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47] // CCs for lower row
  OutCH[0] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] // Output channel (0..15) for upper row
  OutCH[8] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] // Output channel (0..15) for lower row

  FillArray TrigState, 0,16 // keep state of all channels
  FillArray TrigReset, 1,16
  SetShortName {Switch}
  LabelPads {CC Switch}
  LabelKnobs { }
  for k = 0 to 3
    LabelKnob k,{ }
    SetKnobValue k,0
  ShowLayout 2
  for n = 0 to 15
    LabelPad n, {CC },OutCC[n], {  -----------   },{ch},OutCH[n]+1
  Call @UpdateGUI

  If MIDICommand = 0xB0 And MIDIByte2 = TrigCC
    If MidiByte3 > (127 - CCValRange) And TrigReset[MIDIChannel]
      TrigState[MIDIChannel] = not TrigState[MIDIChannel]
      idx = MIDIChannel * 2 + TrigState[MIDIChannel]
      SendMIDICC OutCH[MIDIChannel],  OutCC[MIDIChannel], CCVal[idx]
      TrigReset[MIDIChannel] = 0
      Call @UpdateGUI
    ElseIf MidiByte3 < CCValRange
      TrigReset[MIDIChannel] = 1

  TrigState[LastPad] = not TrigState[LastPad]
  idx = LastPad * 2 + TrigState[LastPad]
  SendMIDICC OutCH[LastPad], OutCC[LastPad], CCVal[idx]
  TrigReset[LastPad] = 1
  Call @UpdateGUI

  for n = 0 to 15
     LatchPad n, TrigState[n]