List of iOS Music Related Video Channels and Sites

The descriptions below are very brief, visit their sites via the links to get a better sense of what their videos have to offer. For additional videos, many app developers have videos on their website listed with their apps on the App Store

Name 🔗Description Type of Host
3sleevesJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
Adam Hardyman iOS MM.Jams and Performances using IOSYouTube
ajpJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
Apps4idevices rebirthTutorials and ReviewsYouTube
TheAudioDabblerTutorials, Tidbits, Tinkering, GuitaristYouTube
Ben RichardsJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
Mr BlaschkeJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
Bristol ManorJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
CDMMusic Tech, DJing, Hardware, iOS, Desktopwebsite
Daveypoo: The Mobile Music MinstrelTutorials, Reviews, Thoughts on music, BassistYouTube
discchordReviews, Tutorials, Performances, App Saleswebsite
DJ PuzzleReviews, Tutorials, Loop ProducerYouTube
echo operaJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
Edward SpiegelApp Tutorials and DemosYouTube
Electronisounds AudioSamples, Tutorials, HardwareYouTube
Found SoundMusic App Demos and JamsYouTube
The GarageBand GuideGarageBand Tutorials, Gear Review, FAQYouTube
Florent RouxIOS Guitar App Demos and JamsYouTube
Gavinski TutorialsApp Tutorials and ReviewsYouTube
grindmasterfleshJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
HaikJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
Henny Tha BiznessMusic Tech, Grammy Winning ProducerYouTube
Jakob HaqTutorials, Reviews, Hardware, Developer InterviewsYouTube
HypnopadJams and Performances using percussion controling IOS AppsYouTube
Identor XJams and Experiments using IOSYouTube
Instantly DistantJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
IntrepoliciousJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
The IOS communityApp Tutorials, SoundpacksYouTube
_ IOSTRAKONJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
iPad Beat MakingApp Infos and How To'sYouTube
José Osório de SouzaJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
-ki FileshareiOS Tutorials, MozaicYouTube
killerautomatJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
Make Music AnywhereTools needed to make music
Meerkat MusicElectronic Music, TutorialsYouTube
Nu-Trix the Synth GuyTutorials, Reviews, HardwareYouTube
Outside the SynthJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
P BravooCubasis TutorialsYouTube
pantsofdeathApp Tutorials, Demos and JamsYouTube
Reasone MusicApp Tutorials and JamsYouTube
Red Sky LullabyTutorials, App Jams, Music Videos, Sound DesignerYouTube
RoikatElectronic Music, Performances, AnimationsYouTube
RUn cELLmiRack Tips and PatchesYouTube
Sam IzraelJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
# SEONNTips around IOS music productionYouTube
Shazamm the iPad ProducerProducer, Tutorials, Developer InterviewsYouTube
ShinyIsShinyJams and Performances using IOSYouTube
ShiroDrambo JamsYouTube
SoundForMoreTutorials, Reviews, Sharing music resourcesYouTube
The Sound Test RoomReviews, Tutorials, Hardware, KeyboardistYouTube
SYNTH ANATOMYHardware, Desktop, iOS, Electronic MusicYouTube
SYNTHTOPIAHardware, Desktop, iOS, Reviewswebsite
Tim WebbApp Tutorials and TipsYouTube
Tom KellyLet's Plays of IOS music Apps and JamsYouTube
tony saundersApp Tutorials and JamsYouTube
Wojciech DomagalskiDrambo Tips and JamsYouTube
Richard Yot Music ChannelJams, App Tests and TutorialsYouTube

App Developers

Name 🔗Description Type of Host
Aphelian LabsAphelian Labs AppsYouTube
Audio Damage IncAudio Damage AppsYouTube
AudiomodernAudiomodern AppsYouTube
BeepStreetBeepStreet AppsYouTube
Blue Mangoo SoftwareBlue Mangoo Apps, DSP tutorialsYouTube
Bram BosBram Bos AppsYouTube
Cem OlcayCem Olcay AppsYouTube
Matthew FetcheriOS Developer Interviews, an AudioKit DeveloperYouTube
ElliotGarageElliot Garage AppsYouTube
Fred Anton CorvestFAC AppsYouTube
iceGear InstrumentsiceGear AppsYouTube
Igor VasilievIgor Vasiliev AppsYouTube
ImaginandoImaginando AppsYouTube
kdeviceskdevices AppsYouTube
klevgrandKlevgrand AppsYouTube
kv331audiokv331 Audio AppsYouTube
mifkimifki AppsYouTube
moodscaperMoodscaper AppsYouTube
NikoloziNikolozi AppsYouTube
Olympia NoiseOlympia Noise AppsYouTube
Pagefall DevPagefall AppsYouTube
Paul the MusicMan4 Pockets AppsYouTube
virsynvirsyn AppsYouTube
Mark WattMark Watt AppsYouTube
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