Table of Contents

RPN the Road to 🍏

iOS Music Tech Standards

This series will discuss how iOS:

Mathematical Notation

Math Class

We're taught how to do math a certain way in school. Different generations have been exposed to different methods of interpreting the same mathematical symbols. We're inculcated with the idea of performing calculations in a specific order based upon the mathematical symbols and the rules of precedence associated with them.

I was taught to use this order of precedence in school, where what was in the parentheses was evaluated first and can be represented as ⭕️(). Other forum members learned to not give precedence to parentheses represented by 🚫(). The table below shows how those two groups would evaluate the same mathematical symbols and arrive at two different results. * Perhaps for some applications one system makes more sense. For example suppose a computer had a system where it does every operation as it comes in for maximum throughput?

🚫 () new ⭕️ () old
6/2(1+2) 6/2(1+2)
3(1+2) 6/2(3)
3+6 6/6
9 1

Convention as Truth

Persistent Childhood Memory

Calculator Wars


The HP-35 Calculator

The Rise of Apple