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Session Recording

Session recording has two different ways of capturing a performance: audio or sequence recording. An audio recording captures the performance as audio files for the selected sources. A sequence recording captures the performance as events in the sequence timeline.

When you record a session as audio, the audio is captured to files in a uniquely named folder that ends “.lprecording”. Each session is recorded in its own folder. Loopy's project window let's you listen to a preview mix of session recordings. The actual files are accessible via Files app. They are found in the Loopy Pro folder.

Lossless Recording On/Off: By default, Loopy Pro saves session recordings as compressed (AAC/mp4) audio files. Turn Lossless Recording on to record uncompressed audio.

Capture options:

  • Combined Inputs/Outputs - a stereo mix that captures all inputs and outputs to one file.
  • Combined Outputs - the output to all external destinations as a stereo mix. If the mixer has output going to multiple channels, all the channels will be mixed together – included any destinations that share duplicate signals.
  • Individual Outputs - the output of each mixer destination as a separate file
  • Combined Inputs - each source's input is captured to a combined stereo mix.
  • Individual Inputs - each individual source input saved to its own file. Hardware input, audio units and IAA apps are all sources.
  • Individual Color Groups - each color group's output is saved to a separate file.
  • Individual Buses - each bus channel's output is saved to a separate file.

Audio from loops and one-shots recorded during the session is included in the relevant output file, but the individual clips are not saved as individual files. A project's clips can be exported by separately if desired.

The performance is recorded as events on the sequencer timeline.

  • loopy_pro/session_recording.1714944381.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/05/06 07:26
  • by espiegel123